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Driving Offences

We are able to offer you representation in the majority of road traffic offences including dangerous driving; drink and drug-driving, new driver rules failure to stop or report an accident, driving without a licence, driving without valid insurance, using mobile phone, driving without due care and attention, and/or careless driving also offences contravening signs and section 172 of the traffic act 1972.

Wherever possible we will negotiate with you a fee in advance of your case depending upon the nature of the case whether you are pleading guilty or not guilty
Sometimes cases can be dealt with by letter only without having to attend Magistrates Court. The cost will clearly determine whether or not it is dealt with by letter or whether or not an attendance of court is required and if so how many attendances. Cost will be based on an hourly rate.

We can report to the court on your behalf in certain cases with written representations. Taking into account the first initial interview, preparing and submitting representations and notify you of the outcome, this cost will be in the region of a fixed fee of £425 plus VAT.

Written Mitigation

We can prepare on your behalf written mitigation for certain cases which you would then take to court and read out to the magistrates. The cost of this will depend upon the amount of time taken but we can offer a fixed fee of £400 plus VAT.

Representation at Court

Representation at court will be determined on an hourly basis. The fee earner concerned will have a minimum of five years relevant experience post qualification. A morning in court will cost £500 plus VAT and a day in court will cost £1000 plus VAT. If you plead not guilty to a matter and your case is listed for a trial for half a day or a whole day than the cost will be  between £1,500 to £2,500 per case.

We can also offer representation where you are likely to be disqualified from driving and wish to argue circumstances not to disqualify. The cost of this representation will be between £500 to £750 per case plus VAT.

Extra Costs

If it is necessary to attend court on more than one occasion extra costs will be incurred and will be charged out on a half day or daily basis depending on how long your case is listed before the court.

If you have a contested case we may reserve the right to instruct Counsel to attend on your behalf to represent you and Counsel fees who would be between £500 to £1,500.
Atkinson Firth is the trading name of Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited a company registered in England and Wales under Company No. 11070500 which is regulated by the SRA under SRA 802655
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