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We can assist in commercial licensing matters.

Our estimate of fees for dealing with licensing matters are as follows:
Application for a premises licence - £750 to £1,200 plus disbursements
Application for a variation of a licence - £450-£750 plus disbursements

The disbursements payable on licences are as follows:
Premises licence application fee - between £100 and £635 depending on the rateable value of the property
Personal licence fee - £37
Applications for minor variation - £89
Applications for licence - £23
Applications premises supervisor - £23
Advertising press - £300-£750 plus VAT

We can give you an estimate of costs in respect of each matter. If you require an estimate, please get in touch on 01274 584305.
Atkinson Firth is the trading name of Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited a company registered in England and Wales under Company No. 11070500 which is regulated by the SRA under SRA 802655
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