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Privacy Statement

Contact Details

Address: Atkinson Firth, Fenix House, New Kirkgate, Shipley, BD18 3QY
Telephone number: 01274584305

How We Use Information

All references to I/we/us/our Atkinson Firth limited company and similar descriptions should back it unless the context otherwise requires) the red as referring to Atkinson Firth Solicitors Ltd and any reference to a director means a solicitor who is a director of Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited. The term director is used to refer to a director of the company. The term solicitor is used to refer to a member of the firm who is a qualified solicitor passing under a current practising certificate issued by the solicitor regulation authority. The term Chartered Legal Executive Advocate is used to refer to a member of the firm who is a qualified Chartered Legal Executive passing under a current practising certificate issued by Cilex Regulation.  The term consultant is used to refer to a member of Atkinson Firth or an employee with equivalent standing and qualifications or who is a paralegal who is employed by the firm on a contract which is not a full-time contract.

In the course of acting on your behalf Atkinson Firth will not collect any information about you or your company except where it is specifically and knowingly provided by you to firm or company.

Examples of information that we may require from you are:
• Your name
• Your address
• Your telephone number
• Your date of birth
• Your occupation
• Details of your business or company

The information which you give to us will be used by us to send to you other information advice you have requested and also to provide information to you that we believe may be of use to you.

Atkinson Firth maintains strict policies in accordance with its SQM standards to avoid unsolicited correspondence.

We may share nonpersonal aggregate statistics knows group data about our site visitors traffic patterns with directors or other parties. We do not undo nor do we propose however to sell any information about individual clients or users.

Atkinson Firth may utilise cookies to provide a better service to its website users. We may use this to save you time when visiting our site. We do not use cookies to store any personally identifying information from users except identify a user has chosen to go onto the site. We do not use cookies to track user activities beyond our website.

Computer Profile Information

Our website will undertake the detection of information in relation to the display properties of your computer. This information is collected in order to help understand the ways through which people access our site. This could help us help you in the future to give you the best access to contactors through devices such as mobile phones and personal digital assistants.

Data Protection

Atkinson Firth are governed by the provisions of the data protection Acts. We will only use your information or hold it for as long as is necessary for us to carry out our work in advising or assisting you and unless you authorise it we will not pass this information to other parties unless we believe it is with your authority and is made clear to you.

Your Rights - Data Protection Act 1998

Personal data provided by you is protected by the provisions of the data provision act 1998. This means that the data that we hold about you will be processed lawfully and fairly. It should be accurate relevant and not excessive.

We will keep this information updated as we receive information from you and will not be retained for longer than necessary. We do however retain information for six years after we have concluded the work on your behalf. Data will be kept securely to prevent unauthorised access by other people.
If you have any need to raise concerns about how your personal data is treated by Atkinson Firth you can contact the firm by emailing the data protection Officer by email at If there is any data that you require to be deleted we will deal with this promptly at your request.


Atkinson firth will treat any data that is held with the utmost care and security. The details you give us will remain confidential unless you authorise us to release that information to a third party.

Service Interruption

Atkinson Firth Solicitors Ltd do not accept liability to you should there be any interruption or delay in access to this site in respect of the course of the interruption or delay.


The conditions of use are governed by the laws of England and Wales. It is a term of this site that is acting on your behalf that you agree that any disputes between shall be governed by the English courts who will be deemed to have exclusive jurisdiction.

Atkinson Firth solicitors limited traders Atkinson Firth is a firm of solicitors registered in England and Wales regulated by the Solicitors regulation authority under registration number 802655. Can you insert the number. The registration number of the company is 11070500 Can you insert registration number.

The registered office of the company and trading address of business is Fenix House, New Kirkgate, Shipley, BD18 3QY. A full list of members is available at the registered office.


The advice and information given on this site is of a general nature and may not deal specifically with your requirements. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is accurate Atkinson firth will not be held responsible or liable for any action that may or may not be taken by anyone accessing this site and acting on information contained in it. Our liability can only extend to specific advice given by qualified members of the firm after the completion of a formal engagement letter.
Atkinson Firth is the trading name of Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited a company registered in England and Wales under Company No. 11070500 which is regulated by the SRA under SRA 802655
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